They are artisans and they are proud to be, their unique ambition is to preserve this precious know-how in order to retain the handicrafts production and transmit this knowledge to the coming generations. The Tunisian handicrafts is far from being a small industry, but more than that, it’s an integral part of a know-how and a tradition of the country. It’s with an open mind, the artisans expose themselves to the craftsmanship that takes place in Tunis.
The craftsmanship sees the day in a frame of new project that aims at supporting artisans’ small networks and their place in the value chain. This was implemented by SHANTI association and its partners, not to forget Oxfam’s support.
Who says craftsmanship, says the discovery of the artisans’ work, the materials and the anchored techniques in a living heritage that continues to evolve.
Coming from Guermessa, Ain-drahem, Nefta, Tunis, Feriana and Sidi Hssine, the craftsmanship notion is the key point that reunites these artisans and for sure the artisans community is growing more and more between founders and social entrepreneurs.
Restore the sense of craftsmanship
The goal of this initiative is to restore the sense of craftsmanship in Tunisia but this, also, allows founders to know-how to display and expose their products.
It’s obvious that ,over time, this know-how demands new requirements. In short, this offers us to see the best of our country but ,also, to know more about the history of our artisans. The workshop space enables you to learn about the techniques and have a look at the artisans while working. It also allows professionals to conceive and design new handicrafts.
Some see their range of products grow while others are not able to fix the odds. However, the goal is the same: to develop the savoir-faire and go further. This is a human approach where creativity and potential are valued. The craftsmanship is found at 44, street Niger, Tunis.