Fair Trade

Fair trade is a way of buying and selling products that allows the artisans to be paid a fair price for their produce, and have better working conditions.

In fact, Fair trade is an arrangement designed to help producers in growing countries achieve sustainable and equitable trade relationships. Members of the fair trade movement add the payment of higher prices to exporters, as well as improved social and environmental standards.

In addition to that, Fairtrade enables consumers to demand a better deal for those that produce our food. Through choosing Fair Trade consumers can demand the highest standards from business and government, ensuring people and planet are not exploited to create the products we enjoy.

“Fair trade is about stable prices, good working conditions, sustainability and fair terms of trade for workers around the world,” says Mitchell.


The result of the pattern of world trade is that the producers of primary products in developing countries lose out with low wages and poor standards of living. ... Fair trade promotes equality and fair conditions in the production and trade of goods.


Since fair trade helps stabilize incomes, many families can keep their children in school. It provides supplies, scholarship programs and healthy meals. Fair Trade enables education for even the most outlying communities.